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Monday, March 26, 2012

Lifeplan Goes to College! Part 1 of 2

Lee Kooler is a superstar Ninja Lifeplan trainer! A career college educator, she has brought Lifeplan to her college students and shares the following with us on how thrilled she and her students are to have the Lifeplan experience. Lee with her husband, Jim, have also been instrumental in helping grow Lifeplan in Hawaii. So now, with Lee's pioneering work, Lifeplan goes to College! - Andy

In the fall of 2011, an enthusiastic group of psychology students began the Lifeplan journey. They have discovered remarkable application of Lifeplan to college students. Meeting once per week, these dynamic students have created a fantastic website, blogs for each student and a Facebook page!

They are using the website to inform potential mentors about their dreams and specific desires for mentors. They are excited to see the potency of the use of this social media avenue to obtain mentors.

Click the image to visit their website!

Click the image to visit their website!

Please enjoy the website and their Facebook page at and

To reach out to mentors the students are presenting themselves, and Lifeplan, at a large Rotary meeting where 250 members will hear about their dreams, mentor requests, be a given a brochure with descriptions of each student and directions to contact them via the website.

Another high impact activity was the creation of "dream boards". Each student presented their dreams and aspirations referencing their dream board, and it was magnificently inspiring to see the excitement on their faces and hear the exuberance in their voices! At the end of this semester they will hold a ceremony for family, friends and mentors where they will present their dream boards again.

As their ninja/navigator, I feel privileged to have been part of such a bonded and dynamic group. After having taught psychology for over 31 years I am thrilled to say that the Lifeplan group has been the highlight of my career!

Professor Lee Kooler


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